Thursday, November 19, 2009

Launched the new Wolfsnout for no helmet or open face! Damn its good too. It works great. I used one the other day while cutting wood, kept the saw dust out. I cant wait to use it during alergy season. The dust masks are so thick, I cant breathe thru them. take a look! Seems to me landscapers as well as sport users will use it.
Washable reusable, its good.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

We have team at the Baja this year, that likes our Wolfsnouts so much that they have offered to give some away. This speaks volumes! They are not getting paid, they are not an official sponsored team, they are customers, who truly believe in out product. We all know that the majority of people that ride, are good people. But to have a group do this for us, well its pretty cool.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

We have a ride team that will be giving away free Wolfsnouts. If you are lucky enough to get one, let us know what you think! And we still want more riding in the dirt videos, not dirt videos!! send us helmet cams, family fun in the dirt videos! if we use it we will send you a free Wolfsnout!

Monday, November 2, 2009

So the Baja is calling you??? The dust in the Baja 100o is famous! You can have a the slight advantage! And we all a slight advantage is all it takes to make the difference!
One of the things we here the most from our customers is that they no longer have to hold there breath. Its true! The Snout fits around your mouth. It doesn't stick to your face, so you can open your mouth, and BREATHE AIR!! Not Dust!
The way if covers your nose, means no more dirt boogers. Working on a video to show you the difference. It really works.

If your racing the Baja, you'll need it!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

We all know the dust at the Baja 1000 is a pain in the ass, but with our Wolfsnout, you don't have to worry about it anymore. I have found a thread about the Wolfsnout that sums it up.." yea cat they kick ass. Im way surprised that more people don't have them"
You can see the thread at
The point is, it works! In the Baja 1k you have so much to worry about, and dust up your nose should not be one of them!
Yes, I own the company, and I want to sell them, but if you search the product, you will see what everyone else thinks too. Google Wolfsnout Baja and see for yourself.
The Baja is dirty nasty fan, and with a Wolfsnout, at least you can breathe while you ride. Take a look at our site.