Sunday, November 1, 2009

We all know the dust at the Baja 1000 is a pain in the ass, but with our Wolfsnout, you don't have to worry about it anymore. I have found a thread about the Wolfsnout that sums it up.." yea cat they kick ass. Im way surprised that more people don't have them"
You can see the thread at
The point is, it works! In the Baja 1k you have so much to worry about, and dust up your nose should not be one of them!
Yes, I own the company, and I want to sell them, but if you search the product, you will see what everyone else thinks too. Google Wolfsnout Baja and see for yourself.
The Baja is dirty nasty fan, and with a Wolfsnout, at least you can breathe while you ride. Take a look at our site.

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